Centre of events!

New event area now open

Event venue Abraham's Culture Park

Abraham's Culture Park is a unique venue in Old Liminka, a walking distance away from the centre of Liminka. The event area features a decked stand for 500 people as well as a performance stage, allowing the organisation of a wide range of different culture productions and events. Thanks to this, Abraham's Culture Park is now gradually becoming the municipal centre of recreation, culture and events.

Abraham's Culture Park was inaugurated in August 2017, in an opera performance called Abrahamin pidot, ‘the feast of Abraham’. Abraham's Culture Park is named after one of the first Finnish opera singers, Abraham Ojanperä. Abraham Ojanperä (1856–1916) was an opera singer and song pedagogue born in Liminka.

The Liminka museum area can be found right next to the Abraham's Culture Park, with three fascinating museum attractions: the Vilho Lampi Museum showcasing the works and items of painter Vilho Lampi, the Abraham Ojanperä Home Museum paying homage to the opera singer Abraham Ojanperä and the Liminka Local History Museum.

Abraham's Culture Park can be booked for events from spring to autumn.


Kukka- ja eläinpuisto Escurial:

Paavolantie 83 C, 91900 Liminka
08 384 903
Kesäkaudella, 1.5. - 31.8., joka päivä klo 10.00.-20.00.

Ankkurilahden ratsutila:
Jukurintie 15, 91910 Tupos
045 118 2340
Ravintola-, kokous- ja ohjelmapalveluvaraukset:
Hotelli-Ravintola Liminganlahti
Rantakurvi 6
 08 415 277 70
Liminganlahden luontokeskus:
Rantakurvi 6
0206 39 6059
Lakeus Outdoors:
050 910 3630
Lännentie 84 A, 91930 Ala-Temmes
040 185 1511
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Lakeustalo, Liminganraitti 10
91900 Liminka

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