In midst of nature!

Rarities in Alakestilä Arboretum

A beautiful arboretum invites you to relax

Alakestilä Arboretum near the Liminka centre, along Liminganjoki River, is the third oldest arboretum in Finland. The park was established in the 1930s by municipal councillor Kalle Arvola and his wife Katri. It currently spreads over around three hectares of land and features nearly 200 different forms, species, varieties and subspecies of trees. Some of the species have been brought from abroad, such as paper birch from North America and Erman's birch from Asia. The endangered almond willow also grows in the arboretum. The king of the tree collection, however, is the 80-year-old Kuril larch, the treetop of which raises to a height of 30 metres. It grows on Rättärinsaari island.

Alakestilä Arboretum is a great venue for taking a break, having a picnic and going fishing or for photography, painting and yoga. The area also has a firepit and a pavilion that can be rented for private use. The pavilion is suitable for arranging small events or as a performance stage, for example. The arboretum is an accessible destination for waste-free excursions. Please help to maintain the comfort of other visitors: take care of your own waste and keep the area clean. Please note that visitors are allowed to admire and touch the plants but cutting off branches or picking flowers is forbidden. The municipality of Liminka oversees the maintenance and development of the area.

Kukka- ja eläinpuisto Escurial:

Paavolantie 83 C, 91900 Liminka
08 384 903
Kesäkaudella, 1.5. - 31.8., joka päivä klo 10.00.-20.00.

Ankkurilahden ratsutila:
Jukurintie 15, 91910 Tupos
045 118 2340
Ravintola-, kokous- ja ohjelmapalveluvaraukset:
Hotelli-Ravintola Liminganlahti
Rantakurvi 6
 08 415 277 70
Liminganlahden luontokeskus:
Rantakurvi 6
0206 39 6059
Lakeus Outdoors:
050 910 3630
Lännentie 84 A, 91930 Ala-Temmes
040 185 1511
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Lakeustalo, Liminganraitti 10
91900 Liminka

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