Stop by the church hill!

Take a minute and listen to the silence

Liminka church is standing proudly

The Liminka church was completed in 1826. It is Neoclassical by style, a level building with a raised middle and a cross. There has been a church standing in this place at least ever since 1477, when Liminka congregation first declared its independence. It is therefore one of the oldest congregations in North Ostrobothnia in Finland.

The previous churches in Liminka were burn down in 1496, 1589 and 1592. The fourth church was demolished due to its poor condition in 1825 when the current church was about to be completed. The first drafts for the current church were drawn up by Charles Bassi. However, the final design for the wooden church was made by A. F. Granstedt, a student and colleague of Carl Ludvig Engel, in 1823. The tower’s detail drawings are by Engel himself. The church was built by a notable folk master Heikki Kuorikoski.

The altarpiece painting, “Kristuksen kirkastus” – the glorification of Christ, was painted by Oskar Nylander in 1849. This remained as his last work. The other paintings, ‘The Last Judgement’ and ‘Crucifixion’ were made for the previous church by Petter Bergström in 1741. The paintings were found later under the floor of the current church, in connection to a renovation. The pulpit was also brought in from the previous church. It was made by a carpenter from Kokkola, Johan Kyntzell, in 1727. The church museum has some of the altar wall logs from the previous church, featuring carved wooden signature markings, paintings and the carved silhouette of the previous church. The church organ was built in 1899. The front facade of the organ is the original one, but the 20-organ stop machinery was overhauled completely in 1971 by Kangasalan urkutehdas organ company.

Kukka- ja eläinpuisto Escurial:

Paavolantie 83 C, 91900 Liminka
08 384 903
Kesäkaudella, 1.5. - 31.8., joka päivä klo 10.00.-20.00.

Ankkurilahden ratsutila:
Jukurintie 15, 91910 Tupos
045 118 2340
Ravintola-, kokous- ja ohjelmapalveluvaraukset:
Hotelli-Ravintola Liminganlahti
Rantakurvi 6
 08 415 277 70
Liminganlahden luontokeskus:
Rantakurvi 6
0206 39 6059
Lakeus Outdoors:
050 910 3630
Lännentie 84 A, 91930 Ala-Temmes
040 185 1511
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Lakeustalo, Liminganraitti 10
91900 Liminka

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