Agricultural artifacts!

What on earth is a “turpas” hut?

Enjoy the sense of history

Liminka Local History Museum is in the Old Liminka and it is one of the attractions in the museum area. The museum area also comprises the Vilho Lampi Museum and Abraham Ojanperä Home Museum.

Liminka Local History Museum consists of several buildings that showcase artifacts related to local history and agriculture, especially those used for farming meadows. The Local History Museum also features fishing and dairy service buildings, a grain storage and a traditional village hall built for Liminka’s 500th anniversary celebration in 1977. In village hall you can find an exhibition presenting the history of Liminka. In addition to the storage building transported in the area from a former village and the granary, the area also has an old windmill. When you visit the Liminka Local History Museum, you will also learn more about one of the former local special characteristics: the turf-covered “turpas” huts.

The museum is open during the summer season.

Kukka- ja eläinpuisto Escurial:

Paavolantie 83 C, 91900 Liminka
08 384 903
Kesäkaudella, 1.5. - 31.8., joka päivä klo 10.00.-20.00.

Ankkurilahden ratsutila:
Jukurintie 15, 91910 Tupos
045 118 2340
Ravintola-, kokous- ja ohjelmapalveluvaraukset:
Hotelli-Ravintola Liminganlahti
Rantakurvi 6
 08 415 277 70
Liminganlahden luontokeskus:
Rantakurvi 6
0206 39 6059
Lakeus Outdoors:
050 910 3630
Lännentie 84 A, 91930 Ala-Temmes
040 185 1511
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Lakeustalo, Liminganraitti 10
91900 Liminka

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