Many flavours!

Small snacks and large meals, locally

Full stomach keeps you going

Between the different activities, it is good to take a break and fill your stomach with delicious local food whether at lunch or dinner time. Local fish dishes are available at Vihiluodon Kala restaurant, where you can also visit the shop to take some of the local fish products home with you. This fish restaurant is an excellent spot for hungry Liminka visitors but also anyone just passing by. The impressive restaurant building can be seen all the way to the motorway passing by Liminka. Take the Tupos ramp to visit the restaurant.

When visiting the Liminka Bay Visitor Centre, you can enjoy the local delicacies and small snacks at Cafe-Restaurant Liminka Bay. While enjoying your break, you can also admire the beautiful view of the bay and the antics of the birds and other animals. Closeness of nature and signs of the land uplift are both present at the Liminka Bay.

If you would like to enjoy more international flavours, visit the Chinese restaurant in Liminka centre or treat yourself to great pizza in the local pizzerias.

Kukka- ja eläinpuisto Escurial:

Paavolantie 83 C, 91900 Liminka
08 384 903
Kesäkaudella, 1.5. - 31.8., joka päivä klo 10.00.-20.00.

Ankkurilahden ratsutila:
Jukurintie 15, 91910 Tupos
045 118 2340
Ravintola-, kokous- ja ohjelmapalveluvaraukset:
Hotel-Restaurant Liminka Bay
Rantakurvi 6
 08 415 277 70
Liminganlahden luontokeskus:
Rantakurvi 6
0206 39 6059
Lakeus Outdoors:
050 910 3630
Lännentie 84 A, 91930 Ala-Temmes
040 185 1511
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Lakeustalo, Liminganraitti 10
91900 Liminka

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